Dog's revelation
Everybody think that's simple to be a dog. I'm not just another dog. I'm Rex, Mr. Rex, and I'm going to show you how hard a dog's life can be.

Welcome to my funny weblog. The history is written by the winners so nobody is going to tell you funny and spicy things that contributed to their victories. The real fun is to reveil the truth about the past times and all those funny things that no one dare to tell. While I'm waiting to be reborn, I'm spending my time sharing my memories with you. Hope you'll have fun.

10. Chicken run

Oznake: ,
Then the hungry days have come. Jethro decided not to send Moses selling his products any more, so his business has collapsed. He even dismissed his band, Jethro Tull, which will be reformed a few thousand years later, by some hardcore fans who were collecting their songs , carved in the stone. 
Small accident that Moses had, devastated whole Egyptian commerce, so Egyptians, blaming the Hebrews, took them all as slaves, starving them and making them to work hard to reimburse all the damage Moses has done. 
Due to Jethro's bankruptcy whole family, including Moses and me, was starving. Jethro had a few chickens, so he had to share them and spare them. Zipporah, the wife of Moses, voracious by nature, due to our sentry by the roost, started to eat thatched roof of the house. Those days were remembered as the time when modern surgery has been invented. Namely, all the others had a stomach a bit weaker than Zipporah had, thus they had to eat something more digestible. Therefore, Jethro has decided to make a decent meal, but he couldn't sacrifice all of his chicken for one meal. Then he came upon an idea. He will cut off one chicken leg, repair the wound, make a small crutch so the  chick can walk again, and he'll make a light chicken soup afterward. Consequently,the other Hebrews have adopted Jethro's idea, so legless and wingless chickens were running around Egypt for some time, until the last one has left. The Hebrews convened the Council to decide how to share the poor animal. They were talking and arguing, but, at one moment they've suddenly started to whisper. After all things considered, I've realised that they were looking at me, and I didn't like that kind of the look. So, with intent to spare they time, make their decision easier and to save my ass I've grabbed the chicken and started to run like hell.
-"Come back Rex! What the fuck are you doing?" - Moses shouted at me. -"Give back that chicken, or I'm going to roll up your dick as a sock."
Then he started to run after me.
When the others have seen me, running with the last chicken, and Moses right after, they have taken the clubs and stones and started the chase.
-"Will you stop, you bloody bastard" - Moses shouted after me.
-"Let's eat that merchant and crucify his dog" - one of the Hebrews shouted, running behind Moses.
-"Shut up you fool" - yelled another. -"Let's get him stoned, and fuck the dog!"
-"Don't fuck the food"- yelled the third.
Then the Egyptians realised that Hebrews are running away, so they've started pursuit.
Finally, I came to the sea. The tide was low, so I decided to continue to run. Moses was running behind me, and all those people were following him until the sea raised and covered the Egyptians who didn't manage to reach the other coast. .. 
The next couple hours I can't remember, because somebody smashed my muzzle and took my chicken away. Did I mention that I've felt a pain in the ass after all? God knows why.
1 komentari:

Finally, someone tells the true story...

Man, I waited FOREVER for Jethro Tull to get back together!

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